
[소재일반] BR (Butadiene rubber)
한국신발피혁연구소 | 2011.04.29 15:25 | 조회수 : 577
  소재명   소재명 : BR (Butadiene rubber)
종류 : HBR, LBR
  화학구조 BR.bmp
  CAS No.   9003-17-2
  일반물성   ○ high resilience
  ○ low heat build-up
  ○ low rolling resistance
  ○ poor cold traction and cut growth resistance
  ○ low water absorption 
  합성정보   Anionic solution polymerization

  ○ 국내 : 금호석유화학, LG화학
○ 국외 : Asahi-Kasei, Zeon, Lanxess, Enichem, JSR, Ube 등

  응용분야   ○ golf balls 
  ○ sidewalls of car and truck tires 
  ○ tread portion of tires 
  ○ water seals for dams
  ○ rubber bullets and
  ○ road binders
  참고문헌   WIKIPEDIA